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LSI Equipment Chosen for One of Largest Cardiac Rehabs in U.S.

Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville, MD, has installed one of the largest cardiac rehab monitoring systems in the country, using all new LSI equipment. A total of 32 channels will allow the cardiac rehab to serve over 180 patients a day by monitoring their post-op cardiac vitals and other physiological parameters.

Cardiac Director Barbara Courtney began meeting with LSI President Korey Sixbury in 2006, in part to find ways to improve the performance of her current LSI equipment. “They were not getting the support and solutions they needed under our previous ownership,” Sixbury explained. “Barbara gave us a generous opportunity to come in and analyze the system and make recommendations for improvement.”

“We did a site survey and found the system was not installed properly and staff hadn’t received enough training in how to use it,” he continued. “We put together an offer to go in and de-install the equipment, re-install it properly, fix any technical problems, and provide additional training. Fortunately, she accepted our offer and our relationship has been very positive ever since.”

In 2008 Shady Grove increased the number of LSI monitoring units from 16 to 24, allowing her program to continue growing. “They went from dissatisfied to being a flagship reference,” Sixbury said. “Barbara is a fellow of AACVPR (American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation) and really runs a top notch program that we are honored to do business with.”

In 2012 her program was growing again and she needed more capacity. When a medical unit across the hall moved, it was her opportunity to double the size of her rehab unit, hire more staff, and be able to serve more patients. The number of monitors was increased to 32 and all software and systems were brought up to the newest LSI standard. For example, they are now able to use LSI’s “touch to chart” function, which allows staff to enter chart data quickly via touch screen and pop-up menus.

“The best thing about LSI equipment is their very good telemetry system,” Barbara Courtney said. “We can see patients’ EKG’s clearly, with no artifact. The system is simple and accurate, with very accurate and clear readings, much better than the competition.”

“Also the customer service is reliable and excellent,” she added. “They get back in touch with us right away, and troubleshoot with us any time we have a problem. That’s always very helpful. We would definitely recommend them to other cardiac rehabs looking to improve their equipment.”

To learn more about LSI and its cardiac rehab monitoring systems, visit