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Healthy Holiday Tips

Happy Holidays from LSI! We know you’re all looking forward to the big meal, dessert, and leftovers. We are too! 😁 Here are a few tips to keep you safe and healthy this holiday season. For more tips and other advocacy materials, please visit our Advocacy Center.

1. Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals to save calories before a big holiday meal can often lead to overeating.

2. Have a healthy snack before dinner
Fruit, veggies, or hummus will help curb your appetite so you don’t feel ravenous by the time you sit down to eat.

3. Make a healthy side dish to include with dinner
Consider grilled or sauteed vegetables to balance the traditional high carb, high fat comfort foods.

4. Practice mindful eating
Take time to enjoy your meal.

5. Wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds
This allows your mind and body time to recognize if you are still hungry.

6. Decide what treats you will splurge on in advance
Set expectations for yourself before you get to the dessert table.
Consider smaller samplings of each vs. a full serving.

7. Stay hydrated
Many of the traditional holiday foods are high in sodium.
It is important to be aware of your water intake.

8. Take a walk after meals
Americans should achieve 150 – 300 mins / week of moderate-intensity exercise.
Any physical activity is beneficial.

9. Get plenty of sleep
Lack of sleep can lead to feelings of increased hunger.

10. Give yourself grace!
Allow yourself to splurge from time-to-time without beating yourself up.