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Converting Your LSI Rehab Telemetry System to ICU Mode

When LSI was founded in 1985, we specialized in ICU and PCU patient monitoring systems with our ECG telemetry system leading the way. In the early 90’s, we introduced the first ever Windows based Cardiopulmonary Rehab Telemetry and Management system using Windows 3.1. Since then, the majority of our customers and end users have been cardiac and pulmonary rehab departments. 

Despite our focus and advocacy over the years in the rehabilitation industry, we have always maintained our product’s ICU and PCU modes (Today, these modes have been renamed to “VSP” mode). As a medical device manufacturer, the product life cycle and the need to support it can go on for years. This creates an opportunity for us to assist our customers in this time of need during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

If you have a current LSI system, or your hospital needs to implement a temporary system to handle overflow needs in the ER and ICU, LSI can help. 

Here are some of the main differences in LSI’s VSP mode versus the rehab mode you are familiar with: 

  • The ICU Mode is called TrensCenter VSP. Your current LSI system’s software (traditionally referenced as Rehab mode) is simply called TrensCenter. 
  • The rehab-specific clinical data management functions of the software are not present in the VSP mode. This includes ITPs and other reports, Exercise Prescriptions, outcomes measurements and Registry sync. 
  • Our full disclosure in rehab mode is designed to track a patient’s session that may be up to 2-3 hours. In VSP mode we offer 96 hours of full disclosure data to track days of patient vital signs. 
  • VSP compiles more vitals trends with a longer admission period versus the shorter session time in rehab. This data is compiled onto a discharge report that can be an electronic PDF or printed upon discharging the patient. 

As you already know, LSI has a very robust Loaner Equipment inventory to serve our customer base through our Loaners For Life program. We are willing to create short term use patient monitoring systems if your hospital needs more capacity than your rehab system can provide. If you need to add short term capacity or are interested in converting your LSI system to VSP mode, please contact your Regional Director.

Regional Director’s Contact Information: