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Administering the King 6-Minute Cycle Test

Administering the King 6-Minute Cycle Test

The King 6 Minute Cycle Test (also referred to as the NCCRA 6 Minute Cycle Test) was developed by Carl N. King along with NCCRA colleagues Dave Verrill and Mike Lippard in the 1990s as an alternate measure of functional capacity to the ATS 6-Minute Walk Test. The King 6-Minute Cycle Test (6MC) is a self-paced measure of functional capacity that allows a quick and accurate measure of functional fitness while allowing easy measure of vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, rate of perceived exertion, fatigue) that are needed to write an individualized exercise prescription.

We’ve created a two-page handout that includes the protocol for administering the test, patient instructions and test scoring.

Visit our Educational Library to request a copy of this handout.

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