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2024 Medicare Rules & Regulations

Medicare recently published their Final Regulations for 2024. Below is an overview of what to expect:

  • Beginning 1/1/2024, Non-Physician Providers (NPPs) may provide Direct Supervision of CR, ICR, SET PAD and PR.
    • NPPs are not allowed to :
      • ORDER any of these services.
      • Sign ITPs for CR, ICR, PR.
      • Serve as Medical Directors.
  • Virtual Supervision for both hospital-based and physician owned programs has been extended through December 31st, 2024.
    • Supervision can be provided by a Physician or NPP.
  • Non-Excepted ICR programs located off-campus will now be reimbursed at 100% of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Schedule (HOPPS) rate.
    • Starting 1/1/2024, ICR programs provided in a nonexcepted, off-campus Hospital Outpatient Department will be reimbursed at the HOPPS rate vs. the drastically reduced Physician Fee Schedule (PFS).
      • This means that reimbursement for ICR programs will be the same for both Hospital Outpatient Departments and Physician offices.