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Category Archives: Cardiopulmonary Industry Experts

Administering the King 6-Minute Cycle Test

Administering the King 6-Minute Cycle Test

The King 6 Minute Cycle Test (also referred to as the NCCRA 6 Minute Cycle Test) was developed by Carl N. King along with NCCRA colleagues Dave Verrill and Mike Lippard in the 1990s as an alternate measure of functional capacity to the ATS 6-Minute Walk Test. The King 6-Minute Cycle Test (6MC) is a self-paced measure of functional capacity that allows a quick and accurate measure of functional fitness while allowing easy measure of vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, rate of perceived exertion, fatigue) that are needed to write an individualized exercise prescription.

We’ve created a two-page handout that includes the protocol for administering the test, patient instructions and test scoring.

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Heart Failure Exercise Guidelines and Zones

Heart Failure Exercise Guidelines and Zones

Cardiac rehab and secondary prevention programs are becoming increasingly involved in the comprehensive care of patients with heart failure. To assist clinicians in caring for these patients, we’ve created a helpful, two-page handout that outlines heart failure exercise guidelines and zones. We’ve used the FITT Principle to prescribe a safe and beneficial exercise training program to achieve optimal outcomes. Read more »

6 reasons to get involved with cardiopulmonary rehab organizations

6 reasons to get involved with cardiopulmonary rehab organizations

Have you been thinking about joining a local, state, or national cardiac or pulmonary rehab organization? As committed advocates for the long-term vitality of cardiac and pulmonary care, LSI supports the mission and initiatives of these organizations in improving the lives of cardiopulmonary professionals and their patients. We’ve rounded up six compelling reasons to join one (or more) of these organizations, from access to educational resources, to the benefits of mentorship and support: Read more »

How to use a SWOT analysis for your Cardiopulmonary Rehab Department

How to use a SWOT analysis for your Cardiopulmonary Rehab Department

As part of our series on tracking and improving rehab performance, we’re borrowing a concept from business school: the SWOT analysis. Why? Well, a SWOT analysis provides a simple yet surprisingly effective framework for improving the performance of any organization, including cardiopulmonary rehabs. Read more »

Introducing: LSI’s Regional Directors

Introducing: LSI’s Regional Directors

At LSI, our people set us apart. We’ve built an unmatched team of experts who are passionate about supporting life-enhancing cardiopulmonary care. As the needs of cardiopulmonary rehab programs become more sophisticated, we quickly adapt to meet those needs while maintaining close relationships with our customers.

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In Case You Missed It | AACVPR Annual Meeting 2016

In Case You Missed It | AACVPR Annual Meeting 2016

With the serenade of Jazz bands in the background, LSI joined over 1,000 others in the cardiac rehab industry to kick off one of the year’s largest cardiopulmonary events. The 31st AACVPR Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, September 7-10, and embraced the host city’s vibrancy with a feel of celebration. Read more »